Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I like to learn C++


I want to learn C++, but I do not know anything about it.


Where do I start?

The most effective way I know is to learn by doing.  Here are my recommended steps.

  1. download a software that allows you to practice writeing C++ programs.
    There are two popular free software (it is called IDE -- Integrated Development Environment).  One is Microsoft Visual C++ Express.  It comes with a compiler already.  If you're running Windows, this is the easiest way.
    The other popular IDE is Eclipse. Eclipse was originally designed for Java. However, it is well adapted to C++.  When you search for download, try "eclipse CDT" (C Development Tooling).  Many good installation guides are readily available, one example here.
  2. get yourself comfortable (well, a little bit) with the IDE
    Run the built-in "hello world" program.  Both microsoft and Eclipse come with a good tutorial.  No need to finish them all though.
  3. go to and follow the tutorials there
  4. follow a textbook or university course material
    My C++ class materials (in fact, two of them) are on line.  CMPE50 is for students who knows some C program.  CMPE46 is for students who does not have C exposure.

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